


Verilog is a hardware description language standardized as IEEE 1364-2001. Verilog is used to describe the low level hardware.

  • Features of Verilog are:

    • Verilog is a case sensitive language.

    • Combinational logic can be described by a schematic connection of gates, by a set of Boolean equations, or by a truth table.

Modules & Instantiation

  • A module is the basic building block in verilog. A module is the fundamental descriptive unit in the Verilog language.

  • A module can be an element or a collection of lower-level design blocks.

  • It provides the required functionality to the higher level block through its port interface but hides the internal implementation.

Basic definitions and syntax

  • Module is declared by the keyword module and must always be terminated by the keyword endmodule.

  • Module definition starts the declaration (description) of the module.

  • Module declaration specifies the input–output behavior of the hardware that it represents.

  • The keyword module is followed by a name and a list of ports.

  • Internal connections are declared as wires and is declared with the keyword wire.

  • The structure of the circuit is specified by a list of (predefined) primitive gates, each identified by a descriptive keyword (and, not, or).

  • The module description ends with the keyword endmodule.

  • Each statement must be terminated with a semicolon.

  • But there is no semicolon after endmodule

Module Instantiation

  • Instantiation allows the creation of hierarchy in verilog description.

  • It is a process of creating object from a module template and the objects are called instances.

    • For ex. In Full adder, one can define and instantiate Half adder.

  • In verilog, nesting of module is illegal.


  • Verilog model is composed of text using keywords. Keywords are predefined lowercase identifiers that define the language constructs.

  • All keywords are in lowercase

  • For ex. module, endmodule, input, output, wire, and, or, & not


Identifiers are names given to modules, variables (eg. a signal), and other elements of the language so that they can be referenced in the design. Identifiers:

  • are case sensitive

  • composed of alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_)

  • must start with an alphabetic character or an underscore

  • cannot start with a number.


  • Any text between two forward slashes ( // ) and the end of the line is interpreted as a comment.

  • Multiline comment: /* .... multiple lines .... */

  • Blank spaces are ignored.

Port list

  • The port list of a module is the interface between the module and its environment.

    • Usually, ports are the inputs and outputs of the circuit.

  • Logic values of the inputs to a circuit are determined by the environment.

  • Logic values of the outputs are determined within the circuit and result from the action of the inputs on the circuit.

  • Keywords input and output specify direction of the ports which is input or output.

  • There are two methods to define port connections

    • By ordered list: port connections defined by the order of the port list in the lower-level module.

    • By name: port connections defined by name, order of the port connections does not matter.

  • Mixed is not possible.


There are 2 types of delays in verilog:

Assignment delays

Delay values control the time between the change in the value and assignment of the value. There are 3 ways of specifying delay:

  1. Regular assignment delay: the delay value is specified after the keyword assign. For ex. assign #10 out = in1 & in2;

  2. Implicit continuous assignment delay: specify both a delay and an assignment on the net. For ex. wire #10 out = in1 & in2;

  3. Net declaration delay: A delay can be specifies on a net when it is declared without putting a continuous assignment on the net.

    • For ex.: wire #10 out;

    • assign out = in1 & in2;

Procedural statement delays

Delay values control the time between when the statement is encountered and when it is executed. There are 2 ways of specifying delay:

  1. Regular delay: Entire operation(evaluation and assignment) will be delayed by the delay value. For ex.: #10 y = x + 1;

  2. Intra-assignment delay: Evaluation happens at the current time but the value is assigned after the mentioned delay. For ex.: y = #10 x + 1;


Simulation is used to verify the functionality of the digital design that is modeled using HDL like verilog.

  • Simulation uses testbench with different input stimulus applied to the design at different time to check whether the RTL code behaves in intended way or not.

  • A Verilog testbench is a code module that describes the stimulus to a logic design and checks whether the design's outputs match its specification.

  • An HDL description that provides the stimulus to a design is called a test bench.

  • A test bench is a module containing a signal generator and an instantiation of the module that is to be verified.

  • Note that the test bench has no input or output ports, because it does not interact with its environment.

Data types

Data type is a classification that specifies which type of value can be assigned to a variable. Data types used in Verilog are:

  • Nets

  • Registers

  • Vectors

  • Integer

  • Real

  • Time

  • Arrays

  • Parameters

  • Strings

Register data type

Register represents data storage elements.

  • It is a variable that can hold a value

  • It is declared by the keyword reg

  • Default value of reg data type is X

  • Register represents a class of data types such as reg, integer, real, time etc.

    • reg: unsigned variable of any bit size (reg signed : signed implementation)

    • integer: used for loop counting, stores the values as signed numbers

    • real: used to store floating point numbers (non-synthesizable), allows decimal and scientific notation

    • time: keeps track of simulation time (non-synthesizable)

NOTE: Verilog registers do not necessary produce Flip flops in FPGA or ASIC implementation. The synthesis tool will decide if the behavior really requires and actual register.

Net data types

Nets represent connections between hardware elements.

  • It must be continuously driven and cannot be used to store values.

  • It is declared by the keyword wire

  • wire represents a node or connection

  • Default value of reg data type is Z

    • Z represents high impedance state which is neither a zero or one. But, equivalent to a floating node.

  • Net represents a class of data types such as wire, wand, wor, tri, triand, trior, trireg, supply0, supply1 etc.

    • tri: represents a tri-state node

    • supply0: constant logic 0

    • supply1: constant logic 1


Syntax: <size>'<base><number>

  • For ex.

    • 1'b1 // logic-1 (1-bit)

    • 4'd1 // 4 bit number 0001

  • Bases used in verilog:

    • Binary: b or B

    • Octal: o or O

    • Decimal: d or D

    • Hexadecimal: h or H

  • '_' (underscore) is used to improve readability.

    • For ex.: 16'b 0000_0101_0000_0111

  • Extension: appending numbers to match total number of bits

    • there are 3 types (Zero, X and Z extension)

    • For ex.

      • 4'bX0 // XXX_0

      • 5'd1 // 0000_1

      • 16'hZ6 // ZZZZ_ZZZZ_ZZZZ_0110

Values and Signal strengths

Verilog supports 4 value levels and 8 strength levels to model the functionality of real hardware.

Value levelsCondition in hardware circuits


Logic zero, false


Logic one, true


Unknown logic value


High impedance, floating state

strength levelsTypeDegree

















High Impedance



nets or reg data types can be declared as vectors. Vectors represent buses. For ex: reg [1:40]bus;


  • Arrays are allowed for reg, integer, time, realm vector register data types.

  • For ex:

    • reg [7:0] reg [15:0] // 16 8-bit registers

    • reg num[31:0] // array of 32 one-bit numbers


  • Memories are modeled as a one dimensional array of registers.

  • Each element of the array is known as an element or a word.

  • For ex:

    • reg mem1 [0:63] // Memory mem1 with 64 1-bit words

    • reg [7:0]mem2 [0:63] // Memory mem2 with 64 8-bit words


  • Parameter is value assigned to a symbolic name.

  • Parameter values for each module instance can be overridden individually at compile time.

  • Parameters are used in customizing the module instances.

  • For ex. parameter width=8;

  • localparam is same as parameter but cannot be overwritten to protect it from accidental or incorrect redefinition.


  • String is defined as the sequence of characters.

  • Strings can be stored in reg.

  • For ex. reg[10:0] str = "maitreya";

  • There are some special characters of strings:

    • \n : newline

    • \t : tab

    • \% : %

    • \\ : \

    • \" : "

Port assignment

  • Input: internally net, externally reg or net

  • Output: internally reg or net, externally net

  • Inout: only wire data type


Verilog operators operate on several data types to produce an output. Not all Verilog operators are synthesizable (can produce gates). Some operators are similar to those in the C language. Remember, you are making gates, not an algorithm (in most cases).



Type of operator




























$\wedge\sim$ or $\sim\wedge$




And all bits


$\sim$ &

Nand all bits



Or all bits


$\sim$ |

Nor all bits



Xor all bits


$\wedge$ or $\sim$$\wedge$

Xnor all bits



Greater than



Smaller than



Greater than or equal



Smaller than or equal









Case equality



Case inequality



Not true



Both expressions true



One or both expressions true



Shift right



Shift left



Arithmatic Shift right



Arithmatic Shift left



Conditions testing








Operator Precedence

The order of the table tells what operation is made first, the first ones has the highest priority. The () can be used to override default.


Assignment statements are categorized as follows:

Continuous assignments

These statements repeat continuously throughout the duration of simulation time.

  • Concurrent in nature and starts at 0 simulation time.

  • Parallel execution in case of multiple always block.

  • A deadlock condition will be created if an always construct has no control for simulation time.

Structured procedure

Verilog supports 2 structured procedure statements, Initial and Always.

  1. initial: Initializes behavioral statements for simulation.

  • Initial block starts at 0

  • Executes only once during simulation

  • Does not execute again

  1. always: Describe the circuit functionality using behavioral statements.

  • Block executes concurrently starting at time 0

  • Executes continuously in a looping fashion until end of simulation time

  • Each always and initial block represents a separate process.

  • Processes run in parallel and start at simulation time 0.

  • Statements inside a process execute sequentially.

  • always and initial blocks cannot be nested.

Procedural assignments

Procedural assignments update values of reg, integer, real or time variables. There are two types of procedural assignments:

  • Blocking assignments: executed in the order they are specified in a sequential block or sequentially. One statement blocks the execution of other statements until it is executed.

  • Non blocking assignments: Allow scheduling of assignments without blocking execution of the statements that follow in a sequential block.

Behavioral statements

Must be inside a procedural block (either initial or always)

  • if-else: conditions are evaluated in order from top to bottom, Prioritization.

  • case: conditions are evaluated at once, No prioritization

  • Loop statements are used for repetitive operations with or without delay. There are 4 types of loop statements:

    • forever: infinite loop.(non synthesizable) until $finish statement.

    • repeat: executes a fixed number of times without a expression.

    • while: repeats until condition is achieved.(non synthesizable)

    • for: executes initial assignment at the start of the loop and then executes loop body if expression is true.

RTL processes

There are two types of RTL processes:

  • Combinatorial Process: sensitive to all inputs used in the combinatorial logic.

    • ex: always @(a,b,sel)

  • Clocked proess: sensitive to a clock or/and control signal.

    • ex: always @(posedge clk, posedge rst)

System tasks

There are tasks and functions that are used to generate input and output during simulation. And are denoted with ($).

  • Internal variable monitoring ST:

    • $display: print the messages with new line

    • $write: print the messages on same line

    • $strobe: displays the simulation data at a selected time.

    • $monitor: displays every time when any parameter changes

    • $random: generates a 32-bit random integer when called

  • Simulation control tasks:

    • $reset: resets the simulation back to time 0.

    • $stop: halts the simulator and puts it in interactive mode where the user can enter commands.

    • $finish: exits the simulator back to the OS.

  • Simulation time related tasks:

    • $time: returns the current simulation time as a 64-bit integer

    • $stime: returns the current simulation time as a 32-bit integer

    • $realtime: returns the current simulation time as a real integer

Compiler directives

A compiler directive is used to control the compilation of a verilog description. And is denoted with (`).

  • `define: gives a name to a collection of characters. The name is then referred as macro.

  • `include: used to insert entire contents of a source file to another file during compilation time.

  • `timescale: is used to associate a time unit with physical time

    • For example: `timescale 1ns/100ps

    • The first number specifies the unit of measurement for time delays.

    • The second number specifies the precision for which the delays are rounded off.

    • `timescale time unit/precision


Subprograms breaks up large behavioral designs into smaller pieces. They provide a mechanism of reusing the same section of code at different places in a module. Uses of subprograms are:

  1. Replacing repetitive code

  2. Enhancing readability


  • Declared with keywords function and endfunction.

  • Returns a value based on its inputs and produces combinational logic.

  • Cannot pause execution.

  • Cannot contain delay, event, or timing control statements.


  • Declared with keywords task and endtask.

  • Can be combinatorial or registered.

  • May contain delay, event, or timing control statements.

Verilog Code structure

Sample code to explain verilog code structure:

`timescale 1 ns / 10 ps
// timescale directive tells the simulator the base units and precision of the simulation 

module name (input and outputs); 
// parameter declarations 
parameter parameter_name = parameter value; 
// Input output declarations 
input in1; 
input in2; // single bit inputs 
output [msb:lsb] out; // a bus output 
// internal signal register type declaration - register types (only assigned within always statements). reg register
variable 1; 
reg [msb:lsb] register variable 2; 
// internal signal. net type declaration - (only assigned outside always statements) wire net variable 1; 
// hierarchy - instantiating another module 
reference name instance name ( 
  .pin1 (net1), 
  .pin2 (net2), 
  .pinn (netn) 

// synchronous procedures 
always @ (posedge clock) 

// combinatinal procedures 
always @ (signal1 or signal2 or signal3) 

assign net variable = combinational logic; 


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