Data Science Bootcamp Udemy Course

I attended a Data Science Bootcamp Course from Udemy online and these are the notes of the course.


Please find the Big picture of Data science here in :

Some important things to keep in mind:

  • Analytics vs Analysis Term Analytics relates to the future events. It includes exploring of patterns and prediction. Term analysis relates to the data from past events(existing data). It explains how and when.

  • Business intelligence Process of analysing and reporting historical business data. Aims to explain past events using business data.

  • Machine learning The ability of machines to predict outcomes without being explicitly programmed. Creating and implementing algorithms that let machines receive data and use this data to: 1. Make predictions, 2. Analyse Patterns, 3. Give recommendations.

  • Business intelligence Simulating human knowledge and decision making with computers.



Permutations (Arrange)(Used for arrangement of objects & order is relevant): Arrange entire set of elements in the sample space. Variations (Pick and arrange) (Used for arrangement of objects & order is relevant): Arrange only a few elements from the set of elements in the sample space. Combination (Pick)(order is irrelevant)

No repetition


Bayesian Inference


Probability in Other Fields


Descriptive Statistics

Practical Example: Descriptive Statistics

Inferential Statistics Fundamentals

Inferential Statistics: Confidence Intervals

Practical Example: Inferential Statistics

Hypothesis Testing

Practical Example: Hypothesis Testing

Introduction to Python

Variables and Data Types

Basic Python Syntax

Other Python Operators

Conditional Statements

Python Functions



Advanced Python Tools

Advanced Statistical Methods in Python

Linear regression with StatsModels

Multiple Linear Regression with StatsModels

Linear Regression with sklearn

Practical Example: Linear Regression

Logistic Regression

Cluster Analysis

K-Means Clustering

Other Types of Clustering


Deep Learning

Introduction to Neural Networks

How to Build a Neural Network from Scratch with NumPy

TensorFlow 2.0: Introduction

Digging Deeper into NNs: Introducing Deep Neural Networks



Digging into Gradient Descent and Learning Rate Schedules


Classifying on the MNIST Dataset

Business Case Example


Case Study

Case Study - What is Next in the Course?

Case Study - Preprocessing the Absenteeism Data

Case Study - Applying Machine Learning to Create the absenteeism Module

Case Study - Loading the absenteeism Module

Case Study - Analyzing the Predicted Outputs in Tableau


Deep Learning - TensorFlow 1: Introduction

Deep Learning - TensorFlow 1: Classifying on the MNIST Dataset

Deep Learning - TensorFlow 1: Business Case

Software Integration

Last updated