Software & Tools

FPGA development process overview

FPGA generic design flow

FPGA generic design flow is shown in the .

Design Entry

Creating design Schematic / HDL Code

Design Implementation

Partitioning Placing Routing

Design Verification

Simulation for checking functionality Debugging on the hardware: Logic Analyser

FPGA development process as shown in the is usually divided in two parts: implementation and verification.

  • Implementation is the process of moving forward from your abstract design all the way to the final application. This is done by a tool chain of programs that perform a number of steps just like a compiler does.

  • Verification which is the necessary process of testing the design in every step of the implementation. And this is, as you may imagine, an iterative process.

These are the steps involved in the implementation process. The first step is to write the source code which is a description of the hardware under development. There are several levels of abstraction to write this code. For example, your code can specify the connections in your system or the behavior of your system. This code is written in a hardware description language. The two most popular of which are VHDL and Verilog. Once the code is written, it goes through logic synthesis. A process very similar to software compiling. In fact, this whole process is sometimes called compiling. Logic synthesis consists in converting the source code into a net list that is a logic representation of the connections in the design under development. By this stage, not all HDL code is synthesizable. There are limitations in the FPGA's architecture that require your code to comply with some rules. A special level of abstraction known as the register transfer level or RTL is regarded as synthesizable most of the time. So it's very common to refer to the source code as RTL code. Once your design is understood by the tool chain, you get to specify the constraints of the final operational system. These are the requirements that you want the system to meet. The most important of these are timing constraints. You have to specify how fast you need your system to operate. When you inform the tool chain about your timing requirements, it can use these hints to choose a combination of connections that will produce the best system possible. Other aspects specified as user constraints are pin assignments, the area you want your design to occupy inside the chip, and the logic level voltages in the pins. Next the design goes through a process called place and route. This is where the net lists are translated into devices and connections, and these in turn are assigned to specific parts of the FPGA in what is known as a floor plan. Cells are assigned to logic elements, and the interconnects are routed. Finally you get to generate the programming file. The output of this stage is a binary file sometimes called a bit stream. The target may be an FPGA or some other memory. In fact, more often than not, FPGAs implement their internal configuration memory as volatile RAM. So there's usually an on board non-volatile memory with a boot up procedure that loads its content into the FPGAs configuration RAM. This whole process is prone to errors and bugs. So that's why the verification process is so important. There's at least one way to verify and validate your design at each step of the implementation. At the source code stage, you get to perform a behavioral simulation which reveals how the system behaves logically. After synthesis, a functional simulation can be performed which uses the newly produced gate level model. Once the timing constraints have been considered by the tool chain, a timing analysis can be performed to predict if there's any risk that your system will not meet these requirements, and the final application hardware can be put to the test with the help of in-circuit verification tools often provided by the FPGA vendor.

The individual blocks Xilinx Vivado Workflow are explained below:

RTL Design

You can specify RTL source files to create a project and use these sources for RTL code development, analysis, synthesis and implementation. Xilinx supplies a library of recommended RTL and constraint templates to ensure RTL and XDC are formed optimally for use with the Vivado Design Suite. Vivado synthesis and implementation support multiple source file types, including Verilog, VHDL, SystemVerilog, and XDC.

IP Design and System-Level Design Integration

The Vivado Design Suite provides an environment to configure, implement, verify, and integrate IP as a standalone module or within the context of the system-level design. IP can include logic, embedded processors, digital signal processing (DSP) modules, or C-based DSP algorithm designs. Custom IP is packaged following IP-XACT protocol and then made available through the Vivado IP catalog. The IP catalog provides quick access to the IP for configuration, instantiation, and validation of IP. Xilinx IP utilizes the AXI4 interconnect standard to enable faster system-level integration. Existing IP can be used in the design either in RTL or netlist format.

IP Subsystem Design

The Vivado IP Integrator environment enables you to stitch together various IP into IP subsystems using the AMBA AXI4 interconnect protocol. You can interactively configure and connect IP using a block design style interface and easily connect entire interfaces by drawing DRC-correct connections similar to a schematic. Connecting the IP using standard interfaces saves time over traditional RTL-based connectivity. Connection automation is provided as well as a set of DRCs to ensure proper IP configuration and connectivity. These IP block designs are then validated, packaged, and treated as a single design source. Block designs can be used in a design project or shared among other projects. The IP Integrator environment is the main interface for embedded design and the Xilinx evaluation board interface.

I/O and Clock Planning

The Vivado IDE provides an I/O pin planning environment that enables I/O port assignment either onto specific device package pins or onto internal die pads, and provides tables to let you design and analyze package and I/O-related data. Memory interfaces can be assigned interactively into specific I/O banks for optimal data flow. You can analyze the device and design-related I/O data using the views and tables available in the Vivado pin planner. The tool also provides I/O DRC and simultaneous switching noise (SSN) analysis commands to validate your I/O assignments.

Xilinx Platform Board Support

In the Vivado Design Suite, you can select an existing Xilinx evaluation platform board as a target for your design. In the platform board flow, all of the IP interfaces implemented on the target board are exposed to enable quick selection and configuration of the IP used in your design. The resulting IP configuration parameters and physical board constraints, such as I/O standard and package pin constraints, are automatically assigned and proliferated throughout the flow. Connection automation enables quick connections to the selected IP.

Board Files


Vivado synthesis performs a global, or top-down synthesis of the overall RTL design. However, by default, the Vivado Design Suite uses an out-of-context (OOC), or bottom-up design flow to synthesize IP cores from the Xilinx IP Catalog and block designs from the Vivado IP integrator. You can also choose to synthesize specific modules of a hierarchical RTL design as OOC modules. This OOC flow lets you synthesize, implement, and analyze design modules of a hierarchical design, IP cores, or block designs, out of the context of, or independent from the top-level design. The OOC synthesized netlist is stored and used during top-level implementation to preserve results and reduce runtime. The OOC flow is an efficient technique for supporting hierarchical team design, synthesizing and implementing IP and IP subsystems, and managing modules of large complex designs.

The Vivado Design Suite also supports the use of third-party synthesized netlists, including EDIF or structural Verilog. However, IP cores from the Vivado IP Catalog must be synthesized using Vivado synthesis, and are not supported for synthesis with a third-party synthesis tool.

Synthesis derives an optimized list of physical components and their interconnections called a netlist from the model of a digital system described in an HDL. Synthesis produces a database describing the elements and structure of a circuit. It specifies how to fabricate a phyical integrated circuit that implements in silicon the functionality described by design entry.

Design Analysis and Simulation

The Vivado Design Suite lets you analyze, verify, and modify the design at each stage of the design process. You can run design rule and design methodology checks, logic simulation, timing and power analysis to improve circuit performance. This analysis can be run after RTL elaboration, synthesis, and implementation.

The Vivado simulator enables you to run behavioral and structural logic simulation of the design at different stages of the design flow. The simulator supports Verilog and VHDL mixed-mode simulation, and results can be displayed in a waveform viewer integrated in the Vivado IDE. You can also use third-party simulators that can be integrated into and launched from the Vivado IDE.


Logic debugging on PC before implementation of hardware. Allows line by line debug. Allows use of external files to simulate circuit. Testbench is another wrapper which tests the module you want to test (DUT: Device under test).

Functions only in the simulation(non synthesizable):

  • $monitor

  • $display

  • $stop

  • $finish

  • $error

clock generation:

always begin clk <= 1; #5; clk <= 0; #5; end;

Placement and Routing

When the synthesized netlist is available, Vivado implementation provides all the features necessary to optimize, place and route the netlist onto the available device resources of the target part. Vivado implementation works to satisfy the logical, physical, and timing constraints of the design. For challenging designs the Vivado IDE also provides advanced floorplanning capabilities to help drive improved implementation results. These include the ability to constrain specific logic into a particular area, or manually placing specific design elements and fixing them for subsequent implementation runs.

Hardware Debug and Validation

After implementation, the device can be programmed and then analyzed with the Vivado logic analyzer, or within the standalone Vivado Lab Edition environment. Debug signals can be identified in the RTL design, or inserted after synthesis and are processed throughout the flow. Debug cores can be configured and inserted either in RTL, in the synthesized netlist, or in the implemented design using incremental implementation techniques. Existing debug probes can be also modified, or internal signals routed to a package pin for external probing using the ECO flow.

Generate Bitstream

Program FPGA




PetaLinux is a free Xilinx tool which offers everything necessary to customize, build and deploy Embedded Linux solutions on Xilinx processing systems. It enables developers to configure, build and deploy essential open source and systems software to Xilinx silicon, including:

  • FSBL

  • U-Boot

  • ARM Trusted Firmware

  • Linux

  • Libraries and applications

With this tool developers can customize the boot loader, Linux kernel, or Linux applications. They can add new kernels, device drivers, applications, libraries, and boot & test software stacks on the included full system simulator (QEMU) or on physical hardware via network or JTAG. Some features of Petalinux include:

  1. Custom BSP Generation Tools PetaLinux tools will automatically generate a custom, Linux Board Support Package including device drivers for Xilinx embedded processing IP cores, kernel and boot loader configurations.

  2. Linux Configuration Tools PetaLinux includes tools to customize the boot loader, Linux kernel, file system, libraries and system parameters.

  3. Software Development Tools PetaLinux tools integrate development templates that allow software teams to create custom device drivers, applications, libraries and BSP configurations.

  4. Reference Linux Distribution PetaLinux provides a complete, reference Linux distribution that has been integrated and tested for Xilinx devices. The reference Linux distribution includes both binary and source Linux packages including:

    • Boot loader

    • CPU optimized kernel

    • Linux applications & libraries

    • C & C++ application development

    • Debug

    • Thread and FPU support

    • Integrated web server for easy remote management of network and firmware configurations

There are seven independent tools that make up the PetaLinux design flow.

  1. petalinux-create tool either creates a new PetaLinux project directory structure or a component within the specified project.

  2. petalinux-config tool allows you to customize the specified project. Either a project is initialized or updated to reflect the specified hardware configuration or a specified component is customized using a menuconfig interface.

  3. petalinux-build tool builds either the entire embedded Linux system or a specified component of the Linux system. This tool uses the Yocto Project underneath. Whenever petalinux-build is invoked, it internally calls bitbake.

  4. petalinux-boot command boots MicroBlaze CPU, Zynq and Zynq UltraScale devices with PetaLinux images through JTAG/QEMU. With JTAG, images are downloaded and booted on a physical board using a JTAG cable connection. With QEMU, images are loaded and booted using QEMU, the software emulator.

  5. petalinux-package tool packages a PetaLinux project into a format suitable for deployment. Based on the target package format, the supported formats/workflows are boot(.BIN or .MCS), bsp, and pre-built.

  6. petalinux-util tool provides various support services to the other PetaLinux workflows.

  7. petalinux-upgrade PetaLinux tool has system software components (embedded SW, ATF, Linux, U-Boot, OpenAMP, and Yocto framework) and host tool components (Vivado Design Suite, Xilinx Software Development Kit (SDK), HSI, and more). To upgrade to the latest system software components, you must install the corresponding host tools (Vivado design tools). The petalinux-upgrade command resolves this issue by upgrading the system software components without changing the host tool components.

Petalinux Design Flow

  1. Hardware platform creation Vivado Design Suite

  2. Create PetaLinux project petalinux-create -t project

  3. Initialize PetaLinux project petalinux-config --get-hw-description

  4. Configure system-level options petalinux-config

  5. Create user components petalinux-create -t COMPONENT

  6. Configure the Linux kernel petalinux-config -c kernel

  7. Configure the root file system petalinux-config -c rootfs

  8. Build the system petalinux-build

  9. Test the system on qemu petalinux-boot --qemu

  10. Deploy the system petalinux-package --boot

  11. Update the PetaLinux tool system software components petalinux-upgrade --url/--file


QEMU (Quick EMUlator) is an open source, cross-platform, system emulator. It is an executable that runs on an x86 Linux or Windows operating systems. QEMU can emulate a full system (commonly referred to as the guest), such as a Xilinx development boards. The emulation includes the processors, peripherals, and other hardware on the development board; allowing one to launch an operating system or other applications on the virtualized hardware. These applications can be developed using the exact same toolchain that would be used on physical hardware. QEMU can also interact with the host machine through interfaces, such as CAN, Ethernet and USB; allowing real-world data from the host to be used in the guest machine in real time.

Reasons why QEMU is used as an emulator and testing tool:

  • Remote Development

  • Easier Debugging

  • Easier Testing

  • Developing and Running an OS

  • Hardware Modeling and Verification

  • Safety and Security

QEMU works by using dynamic translation. Instructions are translated from the guest's instruction set to the equivalent host machine instructions. The equivalent host instructions are then executed on the host, and the results of those instructions are then pushed back into the guest machine.

Version Control: Git, Bitbucket

  • git config Utility : To set your user name and email in the main configuration file. How to : To check your name and email type in git config --global and git config --global And to set your new email or name git config --global = Maitreya Ranade" and git config --global ="

  • git init Utility : To initialise a git repository for a new or existing project. How to : git init in the root of your project directory.

  • git clone Utility : To copy a git repository from remote source, also sets the remote to original source so that you can pull again. How to : git clone <:clone git url:>

  • git status Utility : To check the status of files you've changed in your working directory, i.e, what all has changed since your last commit. How to : git status in your working directory. lists out all the files that have been changed.

  • git add Utility : adds changes to stage/index in your working directory. How to : git add .

  • git commit Utility : commits your changes and sets it to new commit object for your remote. How to : git commit -m "sweet little commit message"

  • git push/git pull Utility : Push or Pull your changes to remote. If you have added and committed your changes and you want to push them. Or if your remote has updated and you want those latest changes. How to : git pull <:remote:> <:branch:> and git push <:remote:> <:branch:>

  • git branch Utility : Lists out all the branches. How to : git branch or git branch -a to list all the remote branches as well.

  • git checkout Utility : Switch to different branches. How to : git checkout <:branch:> or *

  • git stash Utility : Save changes that you don't want to commit immediately. How to : git stash in your working directory. git stash apply if you want to bring your saved changes back.

  • git merge Utility : Merge two branches you were working on. How to : Switch to branch you want to merge everything in. git merge <:branch_you_want_to_merge:>

  • git reset Utility : You know when you commit changes that are not complete, this sets your index to the latest commit that you want to work on with. How to : git reset <:mode:> <:COMMIT:>

  • git remote Utility : To check what remote/source you have or add a new remote. How to : git remote to check and list. And git remote add <:remote_url:> *_git checkout -b <:branch:> if you want to create and switch to a new branch.



Scripts are interpreted, and it's important that the very first two characters in your script file be the "#!" Hash or pound sign and the exclamation point, sometimes known as bangs, so pound bang should be the very first two characters. (Eg. #! /bin/bash). Change execute permission of script file by chmod u+x scriptFile

Time commands and set variables

Bash has builtin commands.

  • time With the time command, you can say time and then another command. When that command finishes, bash will report how long it took to execute the command. The ouptput of the time command has 3 values real, user and sys. The real line is how long it took in real time like if you had timed it with a stop watch. User and sys are CPU times. So how much time the program was actually processing, not sleeping, say, or getting preempted by other processes. And user was time or instructions in the program itself, and sys was time or instructions in the operating system, in the kernel doing something for that process.

  • sleep With sleep command and for a duration. CPU sleeps for the particular duration.

  • export Export puts the variable into the environment.

  • enable To take a look at the builtin.

  • compgen minus k list out the keywords.

Variables: Variables in Bash, you assign a value with equal sign. One of the important things with Bash is no spaces before or after the equal sign. If the value you want to assign to the variable has any special characters in it like a space, then make sure you quote it. To remove the variable, then you can use the unset Bash command. To get the value of a variable, normally, you have to put the dollar sign in front of it. So echo myvar is $myvar It's important to realize that your shell keeps variables in two different areas. The area called your environment, or exported variables, are copied to new processes that you run or, say, new shells that you run, including a shell script program. So if you want to assign a variable and then run a shell program to get a value from that variable, then you need to export it. So in Bash, it's most common just to use the keyword export. So if you say export mynewvar, then the shell puts mynewvar in your shell's environment, the set of exported variables. And whenever it starts a new process, like by running a shell program, then that new process gets a copy of those variables. They're not shared. It gets a copy. When you create a variable, you can export it at the same time. for eg. export var=0 So one of the nice features of a function is that when you change a variable in a function, it changes the corresponding variable in the shell. Functions don't get a copy of the variables. They share the variables.

Bash startup

When Bash gets started Bash reads some startup files to, say, initialize some variables. And there's a couple of those in home directory that one can use to customize settings in Bash. One of them is .bash_profile, that's read just when Bash is started when you log in. And the file .bashrc is executed every time a new shell is started.

Sourcing and aliasing with bash

Another way to execute a shell script is to source it, and one can use the source command to source a script, or one can use dot space to source a script. What's different is when you source a script, your current shell just interprets the commands inside the source script as if they were done themself. When a script is sourced and the script does things like assigns a value to a variable, then that's happening in the calling script itself.For example, sourcing is used to import variable assignments or definitions of functions. So one can have a script that defines some functions, and you could just source it, and then you can call those functions from your script. Another handy thing to do with Bash is to define alternative, oftentimes shorter alternatives to commands "Alias". To unset an alias, unalias command is used for it.

echo command

The echo command is how you print a message. There're a few options to echo:

  • -n : don't print usual trailing newline.

  • -e : tells echo to interpret some special characters.

  • backslash n : is print a newline

  • backslash t : means print a tab character.

  • -E : disables special characters in case you want to see the backslash and the n instead of a newline.

Echo is particularly helpful when you want to do file globbing to expand out the names of things. ls * shows the contents of the directory whereas echo * shows the names of things. Echo is also used for saving files with the usual file redirection techniques. for eg. >&2 means send standard output to the same place as file number two, which is standard error. This is the technique you use with echo to print error messages.

The typeset and declare commands for variables

Local variable is a variable that is private inside of a function. And when it's changed in the function, it doesn't affect a variable outside of the function.

This is important because if you write a fairly complicated shell script, you may have variables you use in the script that you overlook, and you assign to a variable the same name in a function and you change the global one. That could be pretty confusing and a tricky bug. So if you have variables in a function that you only need in the function, then it's good practice to declare them to be local. And you could do that by declaring them with the typeset command. If the variable's only going to have integer values then you can say typeset -i. And that makes the arithmetic faster. In fact, a little benchmark I did, it was like 10 times faster. Also, if you declare a variable to be an integer then bash lets you use some integer operations with them.


  • bash prog : run prog don't need execution

  • bash -x prog : echo commands after processing can also do set +/- x inside a script to choose which commands to echo.

  • bash -n prog : do not execute commands, check syntax.

  • bash -u : reports usage of unset, variable gives error.

  • lots of echo statements for debugging

  • tee command : redirects to output. eg. cmd | tee log.file | ...

  • trap command : similar to breakpoint.

Two more important commands are eval and getopt. For more information and syntax for any of the commands, please connect to the internet.



Linux Commands

File Commands

  • ls Directory listing

  • ls -al Formatted listing with hidden files

  • ls -lt Sorting the Formatted listing by time modification

  • cd dir Change directory to dir

  • cd Change to home directory

  • pwd Show current working directory

  • mkdir dir Creating a directory dir

  • cat >file Places the standard input into the file

  • more file Output the contents of the file

  • head file Output the first 10 lines of the file

  • tail file Output the last 10 lines of the file

  • tail -f file Output the contents of file as it grows,starting with the last 10 lines

  • touch file Create or update file

  • rm file Deleting the file

  • rm -r dir Deleting the directory

  • rm -f file Force to remove the file

  • rm -rf dir Force to remove the directory dir

  • cp file1 file2 Copy the contents of file1 to file2

  • cp -r dir1 dir2 Copy dir1 to dir2;create dir2 if not present

  • mv file1 file2 Rename or move file1 to file2,if file2 is an existing directory

  • ln -s file link Create symbolic link link to file

Process management

  • ps To display the currently working processes

  • top Display all running process

  • kill pid Kill the process with given pid

  • killall proc Kill all the process named proc

  • pkill pattern Will kill all processes matching the pattern

  • bg List stopped or background jobs,resume a stopped job in the background

  • fg Brings the most recent job to foreground

  • fg n Brings job n to the foreground

File permission

  • chmod octal file Change the permission of file to octal,which can be found separately for user,group,world by adding, 4-read(r) 2-write(w) 1-execute(x). The digits you can use and what they represent are: 0: No permission, 1: Execute permission, 2: Write permission, 3: Write and execute permissions, 4: Read permission, 5: Read and execute permissions, 6: Read and write permissions, 7: Read, write and execute permissions.

  • sudo chown owner:group file Allows you to change the owner and group owner of a file.


  • grep pattern file Search for pattern in file

  • grep -r pattern dir Search recursively for pattern in dir

  • command | grep pattern Search pattern in the output of a command

  • locate file Find all instances of file

  • find . -name filename Searches in the current directory (represented by a period) and below it, for files and directories with names starting with filename

  • pgrep pattern Searches for all the named processes , that matches with the pattern and, by default, returns their ID

System Info

  • date Show the current date and time

  • cal Show this month's calender

  • uptime Show current uptime

  • w Display who is on line

  • whoami Who you are logged in as Unix/Linux Command Reference

  • finger user Display information about user

  • uname -a Show kernel information

  • cat /proc/cpuinfo Cpu information

  • cat proc/meminfo Memory information

  • man command Show the manual for command

  • df Show the disk usage

  • du Show directory space usage

  • free Show memory and swap usage

  • whereis app Show possible locations of app

  • which app Show which applications will be run by default


  • tar cf file.tar file Create tar named file.tar containing file

  • tar xf file.tar Extract the files from file.tar

  • tar czf file.tar.gz files Create a tar with Gzip compression

  • tar xzf file.tar.gz Extract a tar using Gzip

  • tar cjf file.tar.bz2 Create tar with Bzip2 compression

  • tar xjf file.tar.bz2 Extract a tar using Bzip2

  • gzip file Compresses file and renames it to file.gz

  • gzip -d file.gz Decompresses file.gz back to file


  • ping host Ping host and output results

  • whois domain Get whois information for domains

  • dig domain Get DNS information for domain

  • dig -x host Reverse lookup host

  • wget file Download file

  • wget -c file Continue a stopped download


  • ctrl+c Halts the current command

  • ctrl+z Stops the current command, resume with fg in the foreground or bg in the background

  • ctrl+d Logout the current session, similar to exit

  • ctrl+w Erases one word in the current line

  • ctrl+u Erases the whole line

  • ctrl+r Type to bring up a recent command

  • !! Repeats the last command

  • exit Logout the current session


  • alias Give your own name to a command or sequence of commands

Last updated