Hardware Description Language

Table of Contents

Verilog vs VHDL


Strongly typed

Weakly typed

Easier to understand

Less code to write

More natural in use

More of a hardware modeling language



Non-C-like syntax

Similarities to the C language

Variables must be described by data type

A lower level of programming constructs

Widely used for FPGAs and military

A better grasp on hardware modeling

More difficult to learn

Simpler to learn

Complex data tyepes

Simpler data tyepes

Verilog vs SystemVerilog

System Verilog and verilog both Both are IEEE standards, Verilog is IEEE 1364 -2005 (Latest Version)and System verilog is IEEE 1800 - 2017( Latest version). Verilog is a Hardware Description Language , whereas System verilog is a combination of Hardware Description Language (HDL) and Hardware Verification Language (HVL). So, System verilog can be considered as an extension or a superset of Verilog.

  • History Verilog, is the popular Hardware Description Language invented in early 1980's. Whereas, System Verilog started initially with a name, as Superlog in 2002 and was standardized in 2005 with its own name.\ System verilog for RTL design is an extension of verilog (2005) and has all of its features.System verilog for verification uses Object-oriented programming techniques.

  • Data types Verilog has majorly two datatypes -- Reg and Wire which are 4 valued logic 0,1,x,z. Whereas, System verilog has logic(inclusive of Wire & Reg), int, shortint, longint, logic, bit, real, realtime, reg, chandle, user defined data type, etc. which are both combination of 4 and 2 valued logic.

  • Memory Verilog does not allow packed array concept and the lifetime of memories will be static. Whereas, System verilog allows packed array declaration and the lifetime of memories can be dynamic.

  • Procedural Block Verilog has a general purpose always block to model different types of hardware structures. Whereas, System verilog uses three different procedural blocks namely, always_comb , always_ff and always_latch intended to model specific type of hardware description.

  • Construction Verilog design is based on hierarchy of modules, where modules encapsulate the design hierarchy, and communicate with other modules through ports. Whereas , System verilog uses Class based design.

  • Interface Verilog ports (larger designs) for describing a module's connectivity with other module is difficult. Whereas, System verilog uses interface to reduce the redundancy of port declarations between modules.

  • Random Verilog uses inbuit system functions like $random and $urandom, whereas System Verilog uses a method called Randomize().

  • Constraints Verilog does not support any control over the variable to be randomized, whereas System verilog uses constraints to have a control of what is being randomized.

  • TB Environment Verilog does not support for having reusable testbenches and so for complex designs verification will be a milestone whereas, System verilog supports for having reusable testbenches.

  • Synchronisation SystemVerilog uses interface construct which has used for bunching of all the signals along with clocking block which is used for synchronisation unlike Verilog in which instantiation with the DUT becomes tedious because of large number of signals.

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